Traceability, Management and Integrations are the WISE MES set of solutions used to record the critical key aspects of your Production Process.
Operations Modules include:
- Work Centres,
- Production Orders,
- Coil Selection,
- Coil Prechecks,
- Auto-Bundling and Manual Bundling,
- Coil Batch Management,
- Full Operator Touchscreen HMIs,
- Machine Controller Interfaces and Instructions,
- Labelling,
- Quality Checklist Digitalisation,
- Production Declarations.
Also Scrap Logging, Downtime Logging, Operator Notes, Production Run Summary & Confirmations (run of Orders). WMS (Yard / WH).
BackOffice Modules include:
- Production Plan,
- Nodes Configuration,
- Stock Location/Movement Rules,
- Planning and Shop Floor Monitoring,
- Bundle Doc Management,
- Digital Quality Checklist Management,
- Plant Dashboard multi-lines,
- Stock Reporting,
- Production Order Reconciliation,
- Online SOPs,
- Audit Trail,
- Maintenance,
- BI,
- ERP and MES Integration.