Delivering exceptional MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) to Quality-driven Manufacturing Industries.

WISE design & develop software applications & integration solutions for your Factory Floor Scheduling, Data Acquisition & Exchange, Product Identification, Labelling, Traceability, KPI, Laboratory QA and Warehouse Management.




EBR Electronic Batch Record

WISE Bakery Management System Dashboard

WISE Bakery Management System – Demo videos

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WISE Inventory Module

Inventory: Raw Materials

The Raw Materials Module manages all of the raw material inventory items in the system.

Raw materials are used in recipes to create semi-finished goods batches. They are the components that are received during the goods receipt process which will replenish their stocks and are consumed during the weighing out process for batches.

Inventory: Semi Finished Goods

The Semi-Finished Goods Module manages all of the dough batches in the system. These batches are the key components of job sheets and are made into finished goods during the production processes.

Inventory: Finished Goods

The Finished Goods Module manages all of the finished goods batch items in the system. Semi-finished goods are made into finished goods and stored as inventory items.

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WISE Recipe Management

  • The Recipe Management Module is a key area of the system.
  • Recipes can be defined with multiple Versions containing different ingredient combinations and required quantities.
  • Each recipe will contain an Approved Version which is the only version that can be used in Production.

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WISE Goods Receipt

  • The Goods Receipt Module is available both in the Backoffice Web application and also on the Factory Floor Mobile device or Factory Floor HMI.
  • The Goods Receiving process takes in deliveries from suppliers of specific raw material items. This replenishes inventory of these items so that they are available for use in production.

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WISE Jobs Sheets

  • The Job Sheets Module is used to plan out semi-finished batches for production.
  • Each job sheet that is created contains one or more semi-finished batches. The batches will then move through each of their Process Steps from Weighing to Baking where they will then be Completed.

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WISE Quality Module

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Electronic Batch Record (EBR)

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Weighing Module

Weigh Operation

When an Ingredient has been weighed out on the Scales against a Batch, the inventory levels will be reduced by the amount weighed.

Job Sheet Selection

To begin weighing a job sheet is first be selected from a list of available job sheets.

Mobile Device for Factory Floor